
Posts Tagged ‘ipod classic’

ipod classic

ipod classic

yup i got one. it arrived promptly on the 5th, a wonderful gift from my dear sweet parents. that little device that somehow just about, well you know, everybody has, but has eluded me for so long…

i have to admit that at first, and for so many years, i refused to get one. i refused to even want one. i didn’t want to “tune out” the world. i wanted to “participate” in the “vibrant” “life” “all around me.” but in the past few years i’ve realized just how much energy i spend simply ignoring things. ignoring offensive things. ignoring nice things.  just ignoring things. i don’t think i’m a bad person, or morally corrupt because i tune things out. i think i’m just over stimulated. and to be honest, i don’t really feel the need “participate” in some things; cat calls and hisses, for example.

not to mention that i spend a lot of time commuting and pretending to read those dumb ads on the top of the subway cars. it’s hard to sustain attention in a novel on the crowded L train.

but the point is that i shouldn’t have to justify it. i am fully choosing to listen to an interesting podcast or one of my favorite bands, rather than hear about someone else’s annoying weekend plans. it doesn’t mean that i will only listen to my ipod when i leave my apartment. but sometimes i’m going to.

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